Table of Contents






Chapter 1. General Information About Printed Antennas

1.1. Physical characteristics

1.2. Properties, limitations, and applications

1.3. Printed rectangular antenna viewed as a wide microstrip line

1.4. Manufacturing processes

1.5. Microwave substrates


Chapter 2. Transmission Line Model

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Equivalent circuit

2.3. Input impedance


Chapter 3. Cavity Model

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Formulation of the electromagnetic problem

3.3. Calculation of expressions for fields and currents of arectangular patch

3.4. Expressions for principal modes

3.5. Cartography of modal currents and associated radiation patterns


Chapter 4. Radiation of a Printed Antenna

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Modelization using two equivalent radiating slots

4.3. Calculation of the field radiated by a horizontal radiating slot

4.4. Calculation of the field radiated by the rectangular patch

4.5. Determination of the radiation pattern in the principal planes

4.6. Influence of height

4.7. Influence of the ground plane

4.8. Polarization

4.9. Directivity

4.10. Influence of the substrate on resonant frequency: parametricstudy based on antenna RCS


Chapter 5. Electrical Equivalent Circuit of a Printed Antenna

5.1. Energy considerations

5.2. Equivalent circuit

5.3. Determination of WE, WM, and B for a rectangular patch

5.4. Modeling using a tank circuit

5.5. Quality factor of an antenna

5.6. Calculation of radiation quality factor

5.7. Calculation of efficiency

5.8. Influence ...

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