
The term economics is generally understood to mean sound management. This is associated with openness, good faith, accurate figures and integrity in company accounts, with transparency ensured through satisfactory standards of good practice in relation to investors and the clients who have placed their trust in an organization’s managers.

Network economics focuses on rational planning, which aims to implement only what is necessary and to provide, in the most effective way possible, universal access to the means of communication best suited to the required purposes. It is clear that this definition largely ignores understandings of what is considered necessary and what could be expensive.

Similarly, a country’s economy is the result of an organizational structure in which efficiency is linked to clear objectives. For example, reducing the prices of sought-after industrial goods can encourage the mass export of those products to the international market. For a country’s trading to be assessed positively, it should meet the subjective standards that it seeks to achieve. These may include improving the standard of living of its citizens, repaying the national debt, full employment and making culture and leisure available to everyone.

Without establishing strict rules on the maximum rate of debt or its repayment time, comparing the economic situations of nearby countries may be used to justify the trends observed in balance sheets. To make such comparisons, indexes and suitable, ...

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