The Division of Resource Management and the Regional Research Institute financially supported the symposium that brought together the initial core of speakers and papers that led to the idea for this book. My West Virginia University colleagues Jerald J. Fletcher and Tim T. Phipps provided organizational support for the symposium, as did our secretary, Lisa Lewis. Randall W. Jackson, director of the Regional Research Institute, provided additional funding for technical support during the production of the manuscript. Walter Labys took pleasure and pride in this project and provided feedback and editorial advice on many issues and chapters. I benefited greatly from the advice and guidance of John Wiley & Sons’ Debra W. Englander, Executive Editor, Stacey Small, Editorial Assistant, Kelly O’Connor, Development Editor, and Michael Lisk, Senior Production Editor. Jacquelyn Strager created the base map of Indonesia that served as the basis for Figure 11.1 and Gloria Nestor assisted with Figure 14.1. Ika Rahmawati helped with translating statistical information from Indonesian into English. Weslie Boyd’s expert assistance was invaluable in getting the manuscript ready to meet the publisher’s guidelines.
Editing this book was interesting and rewarding, but also time consuming and at times, it interfered with family life. I therefore very gratefully acknowledge my wife’s love, support, and patience.

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