
A book is by no means the product of just the author’s work. It is the result of many events and individuals, like links in a chain. I cannot possibly name everyone, ranging from my parents to my friends. I am especially grateful for my two friends and colleagues, Marcus Pelletier and Chris W. Rea. Marcus worked with me on large COM+ projects, and together we confronted the unknown. Marcus’s thoroughness and technical expertise is a model for every programmer. Chris’s comments and insight into a reader’s mind have contributed greatly to this book’s accuracy, integrity, and flow. I wish to thank Yasser Shohoud for verifying my approach to transaction processing and sharing with me his own, Richard Grimes for reviewing the book, and Roger Sessions for writing the Foreword. Thanks also to Johnny Blumenstock for providing me with a place to write. Finally, this book would not be possible without my wife, Dana, whose constant support and encouragement made this book a reality. Thank you, Dana.

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