Running and Compiling CoffeeScript

Like most scripting languages, CoffeeScript has a REPL (“read-eval-print loop,” a term that originated with Lisp) where you can run commands interactively. To enter the REPL, just run coffee:

 $ ​​coffee
 coffee>​​ ​​audience​​ ​​=​​ ​​'world'
 coffee>​​ ​​"Hello, #{audience}!"
 'Hello, world!'

To exit the REPL, press Ctrl-d.

The REPL handily shows you the output of each expression you enter. However, editing nontrivial amounts of code on the REPL is a pain. So how do we make coffee evaluate code written in our favorite text editor?

Create a file named with this code:

 rl = require(​'readline'​).createInterface
  input: process.stdin
  output: process.stdout ...

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