

. operators, 15

-- operators, 13–14

- operators, 12

/ operators, 12

+ operators, 12

++ operators, 13–14

= operators, 12


access, cookies, 172

authentication, 182–189, 193–208

creating, 176

data-rich, converting between arrays and strings, 180–181

database table, creating, 190–193

deleting, 176–177

security, 181

session state, 173–175

versus sessions, 175, 209

setting, 178

single-session, 177

time() function, 179

updating, 176–177

visitor counts, 179

actors (use cases), A-4–A-6

addNumbers() function, 25–26

addslashes() function, 62

Admin links, adding to navigation, 237–238

Administration pages, 118–121

Admin link addition, 237–238

building links form page, 231–235

Headers Already Sent error message, 235–236

moving CSS to style ...

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