

: (colon), method name with arguments, 36

@“...” construct, 47

@ symbol

C strings vs. NSStrings, 40–41

Objective-C keywords, 27

^operator, blocks, 372, 374


abstract class

defined, 160

NSCoder as, 160

NSController as, 129–130

acceptsFirstResponder method, keyboard events, 272–275, 280, 282

accessor methods

declaring for new class, 50–51

defined, 50

implementing, 123–125


implicit animation and, 423–424

targets and. See target/action


dictionary, 423

addObject method

add objects to end of array, 36

NSMutableArray, 46

addObjectsFromArray: method, NSMutableArray, 46

addOperationWithBlock: method, NSOperationQueue, 436–437

Alert panel

as modal window, 336–337

overview of, 229–230

using string table, 241

alloc method

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