
NSProgressIndicator — Mac OS X 10.0


This class implements a progress bar interface component. Cocoa progress indicators may either be determinate or indeterminate. A determinate progress indicator shows progress by filling the bar proportionate to the amount of work that has been done. An indeterminate progress indicator displays the spinning barber pole to show that an application is busy with a task.

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@interface NSProgressIndicator : NSView
                                  // Accessor Methods
   - (void)setBezeled:(BOOL)flag;
   - (void)setIndeterminate:(BOOL)flag;
   - (void)setMaxValue:(double)newMaximum;
   - (double)maxValue;
   - (void)setDoubleValue:(double)doubleValue;
   - (double)doubleValue;
   - (void)setAnimationDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay;
   - (NSTimeInterval)animationDelay;
   - (void)setUsesThreadedAnimation:(BOOL)threadedAnimation;
   - (BOOL)usesThreadedAnimation;
   - (void)setMinValue:(double)newMinimum;
   - (double)minValue;
   - (void)setControlTint:(NSControlTint)tint;
   - (NSControlTint)controlTint;
   - (void)setControlSize:(NSControlSize)size;
   - (NSControlSize)controlSize;
                                  // Instance Methods
   - (BOOL)isDisplayedWhenStopped;
   - (void)setDisplayedWhenStopped:(BOOL)isDisplayed;
   - (void)setStyle:(NSProgressIndicatorStyle)style;
   - (void)sizeToFit;
   - (NSProgressIndicatorStyle)style;
   - (void)animate:(id)sender;
   - (void)incrementBy:(double)delta;
   - (BOOL)isBezeled;

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