
NSMutableParagraphStyle — Mac OS X 10.0


This class extends the interface of NSParagraphStyle to allow for the characteristics of a paragraph style object to be altered after the object is initialized. See the NSParagraphStyle class description later in this chapter for more information.

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@interface NSMutableParagraphStyle : NSParagraphStyle
                                  // Accessor Methods
   - (void)setLineBreakMode:(NSLineBreakMode)mode;
   - (void)setParagraphSpacing:(float)aFloat;
   - (void)setAlignment:(NSTextAlignment)alignment;
   - (void)setBaseWritingDirection:(NSWritingDirection)writingDirection;
   - (void)setHeadIndent:(float)aFloat;
   - (void)setTailIndent:(float)aFloat;
   - (void)setParagraphStyle:(NSParagraphStyle *)obj;
   - (void)setLineSpacing:(float)aFloat;
   - (void)setMaximumLineHeight:(float)aFloat;
   - (void)setTabStops:(NSArray *)array;
   - (void)setMinimumLineHeight:(float)aFloat;
   - (void)setFirstLineHeadIndent:(float)aFloat;
                                  // Instance Methods
   - (void)addTabStop:(NSTextTab *)anObject;
   - (void)removeTabStop:(NSTextTab *)anObject;

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