
NSMutableArray — Mac OS X 10.0


This class extends the API of NSArray to allow for mutable, ordered collections of objects. NSMutableArray provides five primitive methods, which form the basis for the rest of its methods: addObject:, insertObject:atIndex:, removeLastObject, removeObjectAtIndex:, and replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject:. When an object is added to an array, the array asserts some ownership over the object by sending it a retain message. Likewise, when an object is removed from an array, it is sent a release message by the array.

NSMutableArray is toll-free bridged with the Core Foundation type CFArray. As such, NSMutableArray objects can be used interchangeably with the CFArray pointer type, CFArrayRef.

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@interface NSMutableArray : NSArray
                                  // Initializers
   - (id)initWithCapacity:(unsigned)numItems;
                                  // Accessor Methods
   - (void)setArray:(NSArray *)otherArray;
                                  // Class Methods
   + (id)arrayWithCapacity:(unsigned)numItems;
                                  // Instance Methods
   - (void)addObject:(id)anObject;
   - (void)addObjectsFromArray:(NSArray *)otherArray;
   - (void)exchangeObjectAtIndex:(unsigned)idx1 
   - (void)insertObject:(id)anObject 
   - (void)removeAllObjects;
   - (void)removeLastObject;
   - (void)removeObject:(id)anObject;
   - (void)removeObject:(id)anObject 
   - (void)removeObjectAtIndex ...

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