
NSFileHandle — Mac OS X 10.0


This class is used to read and write data to and from an open file or open communications channel, such as a networking socket. The class provides methods for working with files, and contains methods and notifications useful for implementing asynchronous background socket communication.

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@interface NSFileHandle : NSObject
                                  // Initializers
   - (id)initWithFileDescriptor:(int)fd;
   - (id)initWithFileDescriptor:(int)fd 
   - (id)initWithNativeHandle:(void *)nativeHandle;
   - (id)initWithNativeHandle:(void *)nativeHandle 
                                  // Class Methods
   + (id)fileHandleForReadingAtPath:(NSString *)path;
   + (id)fileHandleForUpdatingAtPath:(NSString *)path;
   + (id)fileHandleForWritingAtPath:(NSString *)path;
   + (id)fileHandleWithNullDevice;
   + (id)fileHandleWithStandardError;
   + (id)fileHandleWithStandardInput;
   + (id)fileHandleWithStandardOutput;
                                  // Instance Methods
   - (void)acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify;
   - (void)acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:(NSArray *)modes;
   - (NSData *)availableData;
   - (void)closeFile;
   - (int)fileDescriptor;
   - (void *)nativeHandle;
   - (unsigned long long)offsetInFile;
   - (NSData *)readDataOfLength:(unsigned int)length;
   - (NSData *)readDataToEndOfFile;
   - (void)readInBackgroundAndNotify;
   - (void)readInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes ...

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