Generic Goals and Generic Practices

GG 1   Achieve Specific Goals

GP 1.1   Perform Specific Practices

GG 2   Institutionalize a Managed Process

GP 2.1   Establish an Organizational Policy

GP 2.2   Plan the Process

GP 2.3   Provide Resources

GP 2.4   Assign Responsibility

GP 2.5   Train People

GP 2.6   Manage Configurations

GP 2.7   Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders

GP 2.8   Monitor and Control the Process

GP 2.9   Objectively Evaluate Adherence

GP 2.10   Review Status with Higher Level Management

GG 3   Institutionalize a Defined Process

GP 3.1   Establish a Defined Process

GP 3.2   Collect Improvement Information

GG 4   Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process

GP 4.1   Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process

GP 4.2   Stabilize ...

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