Getting ready

We will start out with the following CMake project:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5 FATAL_ERROR)project(recipe-06 LANGUAGES NONE)macro(custom_include_guard)  if(NOT DEFINED included_modules)    set(included_modules)  endif()  if ("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" IN_LIST included_modules)    message(WARNING "module ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} processed more than once")  endif()  list(APPEND included_modules ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE})endmacro()include(cmake/custom.cmake)message(STATUS "list of all included modules: ${included_modules}")

This code defines a custom include guard, includes a custom module (the same module as in the previous recipe), and prints the list of all included modules. For CMake 3.10 and higher, we now know from the ...

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