How to do it

Saving the Git information to the version.hpp header file at build time will require the following operations:

  1. We will move most of the code from the CMakeLists.txt of the previous recipe to a separate file, and will call the file git-hash.cmake:
# in case Git is not available, we default to "unknown"set(GIT_HASH "unknown")# find Git and if available set GIT_HASH variablefind_package(Git QUIET)if(GIT_FOUND)  execute_process(    COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} log -1 --pretty=format:%h    OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_HASH    OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE    ERROR_QUIET    )endif()message(STATUS "Git hash is ${GIT_HASH}")# generate file version.hpp based on version.hpp.inconfigure_file(  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/ ${TARGET_DIR}/generated/version.hpp ...

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