Getting ready

We will keep account.cpp unchanged with respect to the previous two recipes and only modify account.hpp:

#pragma once#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>class Account {public:  Account();  ~Account();  void deposit(const double amount);  void withdraw(const double amount);  double get_balance() const;private:  double balance;};namespace py = pybind11;PYBIND11_MODULE(account, m) {  py::class_<Account>(m, "Account")      .def(py::init())      .def("deposit", &Account::deposit)      .def("withdraw", &Account::withdraw)      .def("get_balance", &Account::get_balance);}

We will follow the pybind11 documentation "Building with CMake" ( and introduce the pybind11 CMake code using add_subdirectory ...

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