How it works

Our include_guard macro contains two branches, one for CMake below 3.10 and one for CMake 3.10 and higher:

macro(include_guard)  if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.10")    # ...  else()    # ...  endif()endmacro()

If CMake version is below 3.10, we enter the first branch and an intrinsic include_guard is not available, so we define our own:

message(STATUS "calling our custom include_guard")# if this macro is called the first time# we start with an empty listif(NOT DEFINED included_modules)    set(included_modules)endif()if ("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" IN_LIST included_modules)  message(WARNING "module ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} processed more than once")endif()list(APPEND included_modules ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE})

If the macro is called ...

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