Getting ready

We will still use mostly the same code as in the previous recipe, but we will need to modify src/CMakeLists.txt and the Message.hpp header file. The latter will include the new, autogenerated header file, messageExport.h:

#pragma once#include <iosfwd>#include <string>#include "messageExport.h"class message_EXPORT Message {public:  Message(const std::string &m) : message_(m) {}  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Message &obj) {    return obj.printObject(os);  }private:  std::string message_;  std::ostream &printObject(std::ostream &os);};std::string getUUID();

The message_EXPORT preprocessor directive was introduced in the declaration of the Message class. This directive will let the compiler generate symbols that are ...

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