How to do it

We will construct the CMakeLists.txt step by step and show how to require a certain standard (in this case C++14):

  1. We state the minimum required CMake version, project name, and language:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5 FATAL_ERROR)project(recipe-09 LANGUAGES CXX)
  1. We request all library symbols to be exported on Windows:
  1. We need to add a target for the library. This will compile the sources into a shared library:
add_library(animals  SHARED    Animal.cpp    Animal.hpp    Cat.cpp    Cat.hpp    Dog.cpp    Dog.hpp    Factory.hpp  )
  1. We now set the CXX_STANDARD, CXX_EXTENSIONS, and CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED properties for the target. We also set the POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE property, to avoid issues when ...

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