Getting ready

Following the recommended practice of the previous recipe, we will define the function in a module (set_compiler_flag.cmake), include the module, and then call the function. The module contains the following code, which we will discuss later:

include(CheckCCompilerFlag)include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag)include(CheckFortranCompilerFlag)function(set_compiler_flag _result _lang)  # build a list of flags from the arguments  set(_list_of_flags)
  # also figure out whether the function  # is required to find a flag  set(_flag_is_required FALSE)  foreach(_arg IN ITEMS ${ARGN})    string(TOUPPER "${_arg}" _arg_uppercase)    if(_arg_uppercase STREQUAL "REQUIRED")      set(_flag_is_required TRUE)    else()      list(APPEND _list_of_flags "${_arg}")    endif() endforeach() ...

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