Cashing In on the Cloud

These trends, issues, and opportunities are universal: Is there anyone left on the planet who doesn’t use either Google or Groupon; Facebook or Foursquare; Yahoo! or YouTube; AOL or Amazon; Twitter or Tencent; or their equivalents? Who doesn’t use at least one of e-mail, text messaging, music downloads, music streaming, video streaming, file backup, file sharing, voicemail, telephony, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), instant messenger, video chat, Web meetings, wireless photo frames, netcams, online games, video telepresence, or similar technologies for communications, search, news, weather, gaming, entertainment, shopping, package tracking, hurricane tracking, price comparisons, daily deals, navigation based on real-time congestion, hot bar and restaurant check-ins, or just to launch irate fowls on parabolic arcs to destroy the dwellings of swine or whatever else it is that the hundreds of thousands of apps available from cloud-based online stores do?

Such widespread adoption, in the latest example of Schumpeterian creative destruction, has created immense wealth for vendors, service providers, and other market participants across the cloud ecosystem. This ecosystem comprises endpoints, such as smartphones and tablets but also televisions, sensors, and digital signs; the broadband mobile and fixed networks that carry traffic to and from the cloud; the cloud services and infrastructure required to deliver them; and vendors products and services embedded ...

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