


ec2-attach-volume volumeid -i instanceid -d device

Attaches an existing elastic block storage volume to a running EC2 instance, exposing it to the instance as the specified device. The proper device name is platform-dependent, with Linux variants expecting device names such as /dev/sdh and Windows expecting device names such as xvdh.

With the block storage volume attached to your instance, you can mount and format it from the instance using the operating-system-specific disk management utilities.

The command output describes the state of the attaching volume with its attachment information.


$ ec2-attach-volume vol-81aeb37f -i i-12b3ff6a -d /dev/sdf
ATTACHMENT vol-81aeb37f i-12b3ff6a /dev/sdf attaching 2008-12-17T22:36:00+0000

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