


downloading, 228

installing on a Mac, 229

Ant plug-in, 225229

assumptions before beginning, 225

benefits of, 225

notes on the recipe for, 228

recipe—code for, 225227

testing the recipe for, 227228

Aspect Orientation, in Object-Oriented languages, 7677


Big data, 139

Blocking code, macro converting to non-blocking code, 7985

Bolts, in Storm

creating, 190192

description of, 191, 192193, 194195

integrating Storm and JMS using, 204, 205, 206, 208209, 213214, 215

Bootstrap, 56, 59, 62


Cascading library in Hadoop

introduction of, 141

Java class dependency relationships with, 177

preformatted data needed for, 160161

reading files in, 174175, 177

Cascalog, introduction to, xvii, 135141

background concepts for, 140141

benefits ...

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