Using Apache Camel to connect everything

Apache Camel is a rule-based routing and mediation engine that provides the Enterprise Integration Patterns using an API or declarative Java domain-specific language to configure routing and mediation rules.

Getting ready

In this recipe, we will use the Java Camel library. So, you need to add the org.apache.camel/camel-core to your project.clj:

(defproject chapter04 "0.1.0" 
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"] 
                 [org.apache.camel/camel-core "2.16.1"] 

How to do it...

Here, we will learn basic uses of Camel from Clojure.

Importing Camel classes

The following code imports the Camel classes that we will use:

(ns chapter04.camel (:import [org.apache.camel.impl DefaultCamelContext] [org.apache.camel.builder RouteBuilder] ...

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