

+ (addition operator), 36–37

@, 155, 197

>!! (blocking put), 235–238

<!! (blocking take), 235–238

. (dot operator), 258–259

= (equality operator), 39

#', 128

>! (parking put), 235–238

<! (parking take), 235–238

' (quote) reader macro, 154–155

& (rest parameter), 54


abstractions, 265–266

implementing, 270

through indirection, 77

with macros, 183

abstract syntax tree (AST), 149

add-watch, 216

alias, 132

alter, 219–221

alter-var-root function, 227

and (Boolean operator), 40

source code, 168

apply function, 91

architecture, of code, 110

arity, 52–54

overloading, 52–53

artifact ecosystem, 277–280

artifacts, 277

assoc-in, 114

AST (abstract syntax tree), 149

asynchronous tasks, 191

atomic values, 210

atoms, 212–217

auto-gensym, 177–178 ...

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