A Jillion Megawatts

The greatest power of this synergy is how Clients First changes the clients themselves. Without getting all mystical here, clients have a way of knowing when you are lying to them, when you don’t know what you are doing, or when you don’t really care. Clients feel what is being broadcast on that invisible wavelength we call intuition. They know, and with the synergy of Clients First in the atmosphere, it’s as if the volume has been pumped up to 100 decibels. It’s like the broadcast station is on steroids and putting out a jillion megawatts. It is the synergy of the three keys at work, and one plus one plus one is equal to infinity.

This synergy is a beacon that lights the way for people to find you. Clients come and bring their friends. It’s shameful to say, but this combination of honesty, competence, and caring is not often found. I had a screenwriting teacher once tell me that a good movie script would be found even if it were locked in the trunk of a car traveling the freeways at three o’clock in the morning. He said that there were so many bad scripts in Hollywood that one good script would glow neon, and a film producer would find himself out there in his car and would be compelled to stop that strange vehicle in the wee hours and not have any idea why. That’s how it works. People are compelled, and they do not know why. We thank clients for their referrals every day, but we have yet to ask for one. Thank goodness we have the power of Clients First to ...

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