Our World Changed

When JoAnn and I combined honesty with competence with caring, we unleashed a powerful synergy that changed our lives and suddenly made everything easy.

Our lives before Clients First had been a series of ups and downs, anticipations and disappointments, successes and failures. We were like most folks. Life was often a struggle. Suddenly, our lives became a progression of ups and ups, expectations exceeded, and undreamed of successes. It was as if a logjam had broken and now everything was flowing in the same direction.

I know of no other way to explain what was happening than by using the word synergy. At the time, these three key changes seemed small. As we were going through the process of first deciding to undo that one transaction and then passing our decision on to Marta and Susan, we were excited at the way we felt without knowing why. We felt good. But we had no idea that this was some monumental moment in our lives.

I’m sure our forefathers were sober men as they penned the Declaration of Independence and later the US Constitution, but I doubt they had any idea about the vast consequences of their actions. You simply don’t think about making history. John Adams was probably preoccupied with his family’s needs, and Benjamin Franklin may have been more concerned with a new ache or pain that morning. They had no idea what was to come and how they would change the world. I have no delusions that Clients First is as important as a government of the people, ...

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