Be the Best

Our decision to put Clients First required us to not only know what we were doing but to know how to do it better than anyone else. And because our commitment was so strong, we felt a need to constantly find ways to be more and more competent. Clients First compelled us to do better, to be the best.

From that quest to be the best, Clients First changed us further. We looked at our practice of real estate with new eyes. How could we possibly put Clients First and serve more than one client at a time? After all, a client deserved our full attention. The minute the cell phone rang with a call from a second client, the first client was neglected.

Until this time, real estate agents were a one-person show. They tried to do everything for everybody. Some hired an assistant or two to remain in the background and take care of paperwork, but the agents still handled all the client contact. Many agents still operate this way today. Some work in teams, dividing the client load. When one agent goes on vacation, the other agent acts as a substitute. We knew firsthand how that might fail. We needed a new way to operate if we were going to put Clients First and serve more than one client at a time.

We had already hired two assistants with the first model in mind. Marta worked on marketing materials and Susan kept the escrow files in order. Although both were licensed real estate agents, their client contact was limited to answering the phones and placing some calls for JoAnn. We still ...

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