Staying in the Moment

I know folks who see Europe in a three-city, five-day whirlwind. When they get home, they have jet lag and can’t remember the story that goes with each photo. We once drove from Milwaukee to Minneapolis, a 300-mile jaunt, over two nights and three days. I recall every moment.

The point here is not that we are slow travelers or that we are insensitive to the forward march of time. We live on deadlines. Everything we do is due now. We juggle, we delegate, and we hurry. But even in the rush of the day, we never think about the coming night. We stay in the moment and revel in the now. Life is the journey, not the destination.

The same is true of the path to Clients First. It is the path you will follow from now on. We have numbered the steps so you can stay on track, but Clients First is a wonderful journey full of twists and turns and sights to see. Clients First is a path you will never leave. Along the way, you will meet fabulous people on your Clients First journey. They will seem more fabulous because you will find them interesting and likable. You will want to serve them, and you will be rewarded beyond your imagination in return. Everything will become easier on your path to Clients First. You will set the monkey down, get yourself out of the way, and let the work be the reward. You won’t want your journey to end.

So many people ask JoAnn and me, “What do you do to put Clients First?” They want a methodology. They want a checklist or an action plan. They ...

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