You Can’t Give It Away

There is a riddle that asks, “What can you give away and still have?” Sounds tough, doesn’t it? I mean, it makes no sense. If you give something away, you don’t have it anymore. Actually, I’ve heard this one with several different answers once you know the twist. My favorite is—a smile. Other answers are love, kindness, and even a bad attitude would probably work, but it’s better to stick with positives. The point is that we give away a lot of things besides money or possessions. And some of the things we give, we still have after the giving.

With Clients First, we give honesty, competence, and care. Do we have less of these things at the end of the day? No. Do we have more? Technically, the answer is no, but a case could be made for a cumulative positive effect. Giving these things over time does seem to create in the giver a larger capacity for the three keys. People who smile often tend to smile even more with time, just as people with frowns develop lines in their foreheads, thus making the next sad expression easier.

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