We Make Our Own Monkeys

That is what happened to us that night when we decided to put Clients First. We made the decision and set the monkey down together.

For years, for our entire married lives, we had a series of monkeys on our backs. It seemed everything fell on us. We married young. Our parents didn’t particularly approve. We had the girls and no help. We bore it all and did what we had to do, but we never had anywhere to look for support. All we had was each other, and collectively we carried our monkey.

Your situation may be different. You are unique. You may have had it much worse and had to overcome and endure terrible hardships. Conversely, you may have had what everyone else perceived as a silver-spoon life. Neither of these circumstances have anything to do with the monkeys we carry. Our monkeys are of our own making, and we all have them, no matter how good or challenging our circumstances.

If you have never felt the burden of life’s responsibilities, you are fortunate. You have no monkey on your back. We did.

Clients First liberated us and set us free. When we decided to put Clients First, it was as though the monkey was suddenly gone. The success of our business was no longer on us. Our challenge was only to do the best for our clients. As long as we put our Clients First, the rest would take care of itself.

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