You Need a Path

JoAnn and I had no destination in mind that night when we decided to put our Clients First. We didn’t know where this enlightenment would lead us. It just took hold of us and wouldn’t let go. Perhaps our story will do the same for you: grab you, haunt you, and not let you slip away. But you still need a plan and a destination. You need a path to walk and steps to take. You need to know how to put Clients First.

Coming up with what happened to us has been a reconstructive effort. Like a crime scene investigator, we had to look for evidence and clues and try to figure out what transpired. Which events led up to Clients First, and which events followed? What was the sequence, and could it or should it be duplicated? Was our path the only one? You are an individual, and your plan should be yours alone.

What we did discover was a natural progression dictated by Clients First. There were events and steps that followed one another as a result of our decision to put Clients First. We saw how we had followed this evolution. We could relate to each change as it came in succession. We examined the reasons, and when we were satisfied we came up with a list of steps. As you apply these to your own situation, you will find some steps require longer strides than others. Then again, what may be a short step for you might be the longest stretch of all for another. You have to accept that you must make these steps your own. You need to internalize each of them to your own experience. ...

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