
My foremost thanks go to my friend and colleague Bruce Levin for carefully reading an almost complete version of the manuscript and for making several excellent suggestions. Bruce has been a constant source of encouragement, motivation, and inspiration, and I hope these few words can do justice to him. Arindam Roy Choudhury also read several chapters from an earlier version, and Bill Stewart discussed parts of Problem 25 with me. In addition, I am grateful to the following for reading different chapters from the book: Nicholas H. Bingham, Steven J. Brams, Ronald Christensen, Joseph C. Gardiner, Donald A. Gillies, Michel Henry, Collin Howson, Davar Khoshnevisan, D. Marc Kilgour, Peter Killeen, Peter M. Lee, Paul J. Nahin, Raymond Nickerson, Roger Pinkham, and Sandy L. Zabell. I would also like to thank the following for help with the proofreading: Amy Armento, Jonathan Diah, Guqian Du, Rebecca Gross, Tianxiao Huang, Wei-Ti Huang, Tsun-Fang Hsueh, Annie Lee, Yi-Chien Lee, Keletso Makofane, Stephen Mooney, Jessica Overbey, Bing Pei, Lynn Petukhova, Nicolas Rouse, John Spisack, Lisa Strug, and Gary Yu. Finally, I thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions.

My thanks also go to Susanne Steitz-Filler, editor at Wiley. Susanne has always been so attentive to the slightest concerns I have had, and she has made my experience with Wiley extremely positive.

Finally, I am of course forever indebted to my mother and my late father.

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