
frame-relay broadcast-queue — interface


frame-relay broadcast-queue size byte-rate packet-rate
no frame-relay broadcast-queue


Queues for broadcast traffic


Size, 64; byte rate, 256000 bps; packet rate, 36 packets per second


This command sets the broadcast queue parameters for a Frame Relay interface. A broadcast queue is used for any broadcast packets that have to be replicated for multiple DLCIs on the interface.


The number of packets to hold in the queue. Normally, you want at least 20 for each DLCI on the interface.


The maximum number of bytes to be transmitted per second. This value should be less than:

  • 1/4 the local access rate (in bytes per second)

  • N/4 times the minimum remote access rate, where N is the number of DLCIs to which the broadcast should be replicated


The maximum number of packets to be transmitted per second.

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