
clock summer-time — global


clock summer-time zone recurring [sweek sday smonth shh:mm eweek eday emonth
clock summer-time zone date sday smonth syear shh:mm eday emonth eyear ehh:mm
no clock summer-time


daylight savings time behavior


No daylight savings time


This command tells the router to update for daylight savings time. The recurring form of the command specifies that daylight savings time should be observed at the given time every year. The date form of the command specifies a specific start date and end date for daylight savings time. Use the no form of the command to return to the default, in which daylight savings time is not observed.


The time zone (EDT, CDT, etc.).

sweek, eweek

The week of the month (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, last) on which daylight savings time begins (sweek) or ends (eweek). (This is only used in the recurring form of the command.)

sday, eday

The day on which daylight savings time starts (sday) or ends (eday). For the recurring form of the command, use the actual name of the day (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) For the date form of the command, use a numeric date (1-31).

smonth, emonth

The month in which daylight savings time starts (smonth) or ends (emonth). Use the actual name of the month (September, October, etc.).

syear, eyear

All four digits of the year. syear is the year in which daylight savings time starts; eyear is the year in which it ends (used only in the date form of the command).

shh:mm, ...

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