

Anderson-Darling test, 107, 134
asymptotically efficient estimator, 106
autocorrelation function, 80


Bahadur slopes, 4
BAN, 4
bathtub shape, 193
Bernoulli random variable, 167
Bernoulli trials, 167, 168
best asymptotically normal estimator, 5
binomial law, 168
Birnbaum-Saunders distribution, 77
Birnbaum-Saunders family, 58
Bol’shev and Mirvaliev test, 154


Cavendish’s data, 80
Cavendish’s measurements, 80
censored data, 59, 179
central limit theorem, 184, 188
charge of electron, 79
Chernoff-Lehmann chi-squared test, 9
Chernoff-Lehmann theorem, 24
chi-square distribution, 120
Clarke’s data, 126
classical Pearson’s test, 107
composite hypothesis, 34
compound Poisson distribution, 145
contingency tables, 9
continuity correction, 172

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