State Governors/US Senators/US Supreme Court

GOVERNORS Name (Party, State)

Robert Bentley (R, AL)

Sean Parnell (R, AK)

Jan Brewer (R, AZ)

Michael Beebe (D, AR)

Jerry Brown (D, CA)

John Hickenlooper (D, CO)

Dan Malloy (D, CT)

Jack A. Markell (D, DE)

Rick Scott (R, FL)

Nathan Deal (R, GA)

Neil Abercrombie (D, HI)

Butch Otter (R, ID)

Pat Quinn (D, IL)

Mike Pence (R, IN)

Terry Branstad (D, IA)

Sam Brownback (D, KS)

Steve Beshear (D, KY)

Bobby Jindal (R, LA)

Paul LePage (R, ME)

Martin O’Malley (D, MD)

Deval Patrick (D, MA)

Rick Snyder (R, MI)

Mark Dayton (D, MN)

Phil Bryant (R, MS)

Jay Nixon (D, MO)

Steve Bullock (D, MT)

David Heineman (R, NE)

Brian Sandoval (R, NV)

Maggie Hassan (D, NH)

Chris Christie (R, NJ)*

Susana Martinez (R, NM)

Andrew M. Cuomo ...

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