July 15 — Tuesday

DAY 196


ALPENFEST. July 15–19. Gaylord, MI. 50th annual. Swiss-inspired festival that has something for the whole family. Annual traditions include “The World’s Largest Coffee Break,” Lampion Parade, Burning of the Boogg and a Grand Parade. Free food and entertainment daily, 75 arts and crafts booths, free kids’ games, contests and a carnival. Est attendance: 50,000. For info: Alpenfest, PO Box 513, Gaylord, MI 49734. Phone: (800) 345-8621. Fax: (989) 732-7990. E-mail: events@gaylordchamber.com. Web: www.gaylordchamber.com or www.gaylordalpenfest.com.

BATTLE OF GRUNWALD: ANNIVERSARY. July 15, 1410. (Also known as the Battle of Tannenberg.) Poland and Lithuania joined forces to halt the aggressive advance of ...

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