Creating Ceph Block Device

Up to now, we have configured Ceph client, and now we will demonstrate creating a Ceph block device from the client-node1 machine.

How to do it…

  1. Create a RADOS Block Device named rbd1 of size 10240 MB:
    # rbd create rbd1 --size 10240 --name client.rbd
  2. There are multiple options that you can use to list RBD images:
    ## The default pool to store block device images is "rbd", you can also specify the pool name with the rbd command using -p option:
    # rbd ls --name client.rbd
    # rbd ls -p rbd --name client.rbd
    # rbd list --name client.rbd
  3. Check the details of the rbd image:
    # rbd --image rbd1 info --name client.rbd
    How to do it…

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