
Sharing the Wisdom

CENTENARIANS ARE A VERY SPECIAL SEGMENT OF OUR POPULATION, and we have captured much of their vast knowledge, wisdom, wit, and advice to share with you in Celebrate 100. But virtual gold mines of stories and “secrets” abound among seniors marching toward the century mark.

In your world of relationships, there are older people who have stories to tell—wise, witty, funny, sad, practical, and off-the-wall. They can be captured and shared with our younger generation. You have a diverse universe to choose from: family members, friends, neighbors, colleagues, teachers, or coaches—people who are one or two generations ahead of you on the pathway of life.

We encourage you to use a video camera, contact the person, and ask if you may visit them to ask their advice about some questions relating to life, money, and work. Tell them how valuable and meaningful it will be to you and many others to capture their stories and share them with family and friends. Be sure and take your camera for photos.

In this appendix we have provided 100 sample questions that you may choose from to get the communication flowing and provide some natural direction from family heritage through childhood, adult, golden, and platinum years. And come up with your own unique questions that will help the stories and “secrets” to flow.

Please do it now while Celebrate 100 is fresh in your heart and on your mind.


Family Heritage ...

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