Chapter 18

1: What port does Cisco's implementation of TACACS use?
A1: Answer: In Cisco, TACACS implementation is used over port 49 TCP only.
2: What port(s) does RADIUS use?
A2: Answer: RADIUS can be implemented over port 1812 TCP/UDP and port 1813 TCP/UDP for accounting. The Cisco specification for RADIUS uses UDP only. In some implementations, RADIUS can also be deployed over port 1645.
3: Which group of ISAKMP is used by VPN Client 3.x?
A3: Answer: VPN Client 3.x uses Diffie-Hellman group 2 of 1024 bits.
4: True or false: TACACS+ is not secure?
A4: Answer: False. TACACS+ is very secure, because it encrypts a packet's entire payload.
5: True or false: RADIUS is more secure than TACACS+?
A5: Answer: False. When compared with TACACS+, RADIUS is less ...

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