
Absence of counterrotating terms, 269

Ad hoc coupling term, 256

Adding multiple reflections, 55, 258

Adiabatic elimination, 218

Aguirregabiria, 328

Aharonov–Bohm phase, 163

Aichelburg, 329

Akhiezer, 100

Album of the Mariner, 47

Allen, 17

Alternative photon position operators, 109

Ammonia-beam maser, 238

Ampère's law, 44

An, 252

Angular momentum commutation relations, 96

Annihilation operator

free space, 45

Anti-Hermitian, 80, 115

Antiparticles, 107

as a consequence of relativity, 107

Stückelberg–Feynman–Wheeler idea, 102

Antiphoton, 99, 103, 108

Argand, 295

ASER idea, 217

Astronomical unit, 62

Asymptotic condition, 270

Atom laser, 276

Atomic trap, 277

Average distance between the Sun and Earth, 62

Axial vector, 91

Bachelier, Louis, 252

Bag of tools, 313320, 322

Baker–Hausdorff formula, 117, 311312

Bardeen, 276

Bardeen Hamiltonian, 276

Barnett, 262

Barton, 64

Bass, 109

Beam splitter, 140

Bennett, 257

Berestetsky, 100

Beny, 55, 67

Beta factor, 218

typical order of magnitude, 219

Biagioni, 334

Bialynicki-Birula, 96, 99, 101

Biconjugation, 305

Biquaternions, 77, 304

gradient, 78

special relativity, 295, 304310

Lorentz boost, 310

Black and Scholes theory of option pricing, 252

Blackbody radiation, 63, 99, 238

Boca, 251

Boersma, 47

Bohm–Aharonov effect, 156

Bohr, 48

Boozer, 251

Born, 64

Bose–Einstein condensate, 276

Bose–Einstein statistics, 104

Boundary conditions, 272

Bouwkamp, 277

Breakdown of our current physical theories, 63

Bremmer, 277

Briegel, 250

Brill, 157

Brougham ...

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