This appendix gives an example of an interview instrument. The instrument was used in the XP case study, which is described in Chapter 10.

General (~10 min)

  • Explain about the study, what we are looking for, how they will benefit from the results and that they will be anonymous.
  • Subjects personal history in the company (keep short)
  • Describe how this project fits into the overall organization structure and product portfolio.

Gate Model (~10 min)

  • About the corporate gate model (ask for any documents that can be provided)
  • What is required as exit criteria from tollgate 3?
  • Which documents are used at tollgate 3?
  • How is the tollgate 3 decision taken?

XP (~15 min)

  • XP introduction, how was this performed?
  • XP generally, how did it work, describe the most significant aspects.
  • What worked well?
  • What did not work as well?
  • XP experiences compared to your previous way of working.
  • Did you adapt XP to fit the gate model?

Adjustments to Gate Model (~20 min)

  • How was the tollgate 3 decision affected by you using XP?
  • Describe any adaptations of the gate model in general.
  • Any adaptations specifically due to XP?
  • How was it apparent to people outside your team that you were using XP?
  • How did you work with the documents required by the gate model?
  • Did you use the software product as a form of communication in itself?
  • How did the planning game affect your project?
  • How did you perform time estimation?
  • Could you start development at a different stage than ...

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