The Light component

A light source in our scene is a type of Component with a color and a float array that is used to represent the calculated location in eye space. Let's create the Light class now.

Create a new Light Java class in the renderbox/components folder. Define it as follows:

public class Light extends Component {
    private static final String TAG = "RenderBox.Light";

    public final float[] lightPosInEyeSpace = new float[4];
    public float[] color = new float[]{1,1,1,1};

    public void onDraw(float[] view){
        Matrix.multiplyMV(lightPosInEyeSpace, 0, view, 0, transform.getPosition().toFloat4(), 0);

Our default light is white (color 1,1,1).

The onDraw method calculates the actual light position in eye space based on the position of Transform multiplied ...

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