About the Authors

Tom Mornini has 30 years of development experience encompassing nearly every major development platform in that time. During the last 7 years, he's focused largely on software development methodologies and release management, particularly as they relate to change management and version control systems. He spent nearly three years flying around the country and implementing agile development processes in Fortune 50 financial institutions.

A Rails convert since July 2005, Tom believes that Rails migrations and Capistrano have solved many of the thorniest issues surrounding distributed software deployment. He's a principal in Engine Yard, a high availability, no excuses Rails application service for people who do not prefer to role their own solutions.

Marc Loy jumped head first into Internet development with the advent of Java back in 1994. He spent the bubble developing commercial Java applications and teaching Java, Perl and other webby things at various companies including Sun Microsystems and Nielsen Media Research.As comfortable now around DVD production as he is at the command line, new media technologies keep him happily chained to his laptop. Ruby on Rails captured his attention in 2005 and he's looking forward to bringing the full force of agile development to the enterprise. He lives in Cincinnati, OH where he continues to pursue Web 2.0 (he's currently on Web 1.8.1 as best he can tell).

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