Chapter 3: Flash Photography Basics

Flash photography can be intimidating. Many photographers only shoot with available light and confine their outdoor shooting to when the light is just right. This is very limiting! Available light is just that — it’s the light that you have available. If that happens to be a Canon 600EX or 600EX-RT Speedlite, great. If it happens to be the sun, that’s great too. And if it’s a combination of both a Speedlite and the sun, that’s also great. The goal is to take creative control and not be held captive by the existing lighting conditions. It’s valuable to develop the skills and confidence necessary to create the light you need when you need it.

This chapter helps demystify flash photography and encourages you to experiment. Invest time to develop the skills to effectively incorporate Speedlites into your photography. Learning how to use Speedlites and strobes is a tremendous asset both creatively and financially.


Courtesy of Canon

The Canon 600EX-RT Speedlite with its included tabletop stand, a powerful ally in your creative lighting arsenal.

Studio Strobes or Speedlites?

Studio lighting systems fall into two main categories — continuous lighting and flash lighting. Here I concentrate primarily on flash lighting. Whether you’re using Speedlites or studio strobes, lighting with flash is convenient because the light output can be adjusted in specific ...

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