
Adobe RGB A large color space focusing on Cyan and Greens. It is a common option for photographers shooting for print.

AI Servo focusing mode A focusing mode that follows the subject’s movement until the shutter button is pressed completely to expose the image.

ambient light Available natural or existing light that is not provided by the photographer.

angle of view The amount of area seen through the viewfinder and measured in degrees. For example, telephoto lenses have a narrow angle of view.

aperture The opening in the lens that allows light into the camera. See also diaphragm.

Aperture-priority AE An exposure mode in which the photographer controls the aperture and the camera controls the shutter speed to create a proper exposure based on the information provided by the camera’s metering system.

archive Long-term storage of data. In the case of photography, your image files are the data that is stored on a hard drive, DVD, or on the Cloud.

artificial light Light from a manmade source, such as a light bulb or flash.

aspect ratio The proportional relationship of a shape’s width compared to its height.

Autofocus (AF) Focusing mode in which the camera focuses on the subject using select points.

Automatic Exposure (AE) The camera selects all of the elements for proper exposure or the photographer selects some of them, and the camera selects the rest. For example, in Shutter-priority AE mode, the photographer selects the shutter speed and the camera selects the aperture. ...

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