3D modelling, rendering and engineering software

2D sketching software

Autodesk www.autodesk.com

SketchBook Designer (digital sketching of design concepts)

PTC www.ptc.com

Creo Sketch (2D freehand sketching)

2D drafting software

Ashlar Vellum www.ashlar.com

Graphite (2D/3D drafting)

Autodesk www.autodesk.com

AutoCAD (2D drafting and 3D modelling)

IMSI/Design www.imsi.com

TurboCAD Designer 18 (2D drafting)

DesignCAD (2D drafting)

TurboCAD Mac Designer 2D (2D drafting)

TurboCAD LTE (full-featured 2D drafting)

TurboCAD LTE Pro (as above with additional pro tools)

IronCAD www.ironcad.com

IRONCAD DRAFT (2D drafting compatible with a large range of file types)

PTC www.ptc.com

Creo Schematics (2D systems diagrams)

Creo Layout (2D conceptual engineering) ...

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