Time for action – installing CereusReporting

  1. Logon to your Cacti installation as root.
  2. Change to the plugins directory of your Cacti installation:
    cd /var/www/html/cacti/plugins
  3. Download the latest version:
    wget http://www.network-outsourcing.de/uploads/CereusReporting_v1.50.86_ionCube_full.tgz
  4. Extract the plugin using the tar command:
    tar -xzvf CereusReporting_v1.50.86_ionCube_full.tgz
  5. Change into the newly created directory, nmidCreatePDF:
    cd nmidCreatePDF
  6. Change the ownership of the files to your webserver and Cacti:
    chown -R apache.cactiuser *
  7. CereusReporting uses a threaded approach for creating the graphs. Therefore you are now going to download the extension responsible for it:
    wget http://redmine.nmid-plugins.de/attachments/download/231/parallelGraphRetriever_linux32bit.zip ...

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