Time for action – installing the mobile plugin

  1. Logon to your Cacti installation.
  2. Change to the plugins directory:
    cd /var/www/html/cacti/plugins
  3. Download the mobile plugin from http://docs.cacti.net/plugin:mobile:
    wget -O mobile-latest.tgz 'http://docs.cacti.net/_media/plugin:mobile-latest.tgz?id=plugin%3Amobile&cache=cache'
  4. Extract the mobile plugin:
    tar -xzvf  mobile-latest.tgz
  5. Rename the mobile-0.1 directory:
    mv mobile-0.1/ mobile
  6. Enable the plugin from the Plugin Management page:
    Time for action – installing the mobile plugin

What just happened?

You just installed the mobile plugin. If you now browse to your Cacti web interface using an older mobile device, you'll be presented with a list ...

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