Time for action – installing the nmidWebService plugin

  1. Change to the Cacti plugins directory:
    cd /var/www/html/cacti/plugins
  2. Download the nmidWebService plugin:
    wget http://redmine.nmid-plugins.de/attachments/download/292/nmidWebService_v09b.tgz
  3. Extract the plugin:
    tar -xzvpf  nmidWebService_v09b.tgz
  4. Change to the new directory:
    cd nmidWebService
  5. Make the tmp directory writeable by the web server:
    chown apache.cacti tmp
    chmod 775 tmp
  6. Edit the webservice_wso.wsdl file and change all references for cacti.network-outsourcing.de to your server.
  7. Install and enable the nmidWebService plugin from the Cacti web interface:
    Time for action – installing the nmidWebService plugin
  8. Go to the Cacti settings page and ...

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